Choose Your Solar Battery

Self-Consumption for Savings, Backup for Outages

Five Top Battery Options


At Supreme Solar & Electric, we offer five premium battery options: SolarEdge, Tesla, Q-Cells, Franklin, and Enphase. Each option provides unique benefits depending on your needs.

For more info about Solar batteries click here.

DC-Coupled Batteries for Seamless Integration

Our DC-coupled batteries—SolarEdge, Q-Cells, and Tesla—are ideal for new solar system installations. These batteries pair directly with your solar system, maximizing efficiency and performance.

AC-Coupled Batteries For Versatile Retrofits

Enphase and Franklin batteries are AC-coupled, making them perfect for retrofits or for customers using microinverters. These versatile batteries integrate smoothly with your existing setup.

For more info on AC and DC Coupled Systems, click here.

Two Modes for Maximum Flexibility

Self-Consumption Mode:

  • Savings Focused: Use stored energy during peak times (4 PM – 9 PM) to reduce electricity costs.
  • Night-Time Usage: Power your home through the night until your solar panels recharge the battery the next day.
  • Non-Backup: This mode prioritizes savings over providing backup power during outages.

Backup Mode:

  • Outage Protection: Ensure you have power during outages by setting a reserve to keep essential devices running (lights, refrigerators, outlets).
  • Dual Benefit: While offering backup capabilities, it also works for self-consumption during peak rate times, ensuring you save on electricity bills

The Benefits

Backup Power

Ensure uninterrupted power during outages, keeping essential devices and appliances running.

Optimize Energy Usage

Maximize efficiency by using stored energy during peak times and throughout the night.

Offset Time-of-Use Rates

Avoid high electricity rates during peak hours by using stored energy, ensuring consistent and lower energy costs.

Reduce Grid Reliance

Minimize dependency on the grid by using stored solar energy, enhancing energy independence.

Take Advantage of Net Metering

Benefit from credits for excess energy you send back to the grid, further reducing your utility bills.

Savings on Electricity Bills

Lower your electricity costs by using your own energy during peak rate times and reducing overall grid consumption.


Pros and Cons

SolarEdge Battery


  • Seamless Integration: Optimized for use with SolarEdge inverters and solar systems.
  • High Efficiency: DC-coupled design reduces energy loss during conversion.
  • Scalability: Easily expandable for larger energy storage needs.


  • Flexibility: Available in 10-kilowatt-hour increments, which may not offer the same flexibility as smaller, 5-kilowatt-hour options.
  • Compatibility: Best suited for new SolarEdge system installations rather than retrofits.

Learn More : Solar Battery Investments In 2024 click here.

Enphase Battery


  • Versatility: AC-coupled, ideal for retrofits and existing systems with microinverters.
  • Modular Design: Easily scalable by adding more units.
  • Advanced Monitoring: Integrated with Enphase’s Enlighten software for detailed performance tracking.


  • Efficiency: Slightly lower efficiency due to AC-coupling.
  • Initial Setup: May require additional components for optimal performance.

Learn More : Enphase IQ Battery 5P click here.

Franklin Battery


  • Retrofit Friendly: AC-coupled, making it suitable for existing solar systems.
  • Robust Design: Durable and reliable with high cycle life.
  • User-Friendly: Easy installation and integration with various systems.


  • Energy Efficiency: AC-coupling can result in some energy loss during conversion.
  • Market Presence: Less well-known brand, may have limited availability or support in some regions.

Learn More : FranklinWH Battery Review click here.

Tesla Powerwall 3 Battery


  • DC-Coupled Solution: Optimized for backup power, integrating seamlessly with solar systems.
  • Widespread Recognition: Well-known and trusted brand with extensive support network.
  • Versatile Backup Options: Multiple solutions for backup, including the backup switch and gateway.


  • High Demand: Often has longer wait times due to high popularity.
  • String System: Does not offer optimization per panel, meaning improper setup can affect system performance.

Learn More : Tesla Powerwall 3 Review click here.

Q-Cells Battery


  • Efficiency: High efficiency DC-coupled design, ideal for new solar installations.
  • Reliability: Known for quality and durability.
  • Integration: Works well with Q-Cells solar panels and inverters for a cohesive system.


  • Flexibility: Less suitable for retrofitting existing systems.
  • Brand Recognition: Not as widely recognized as some other brands, which might affect perceived reliability.

Learn More : Qcells Q.HOME CORE Energy Storage System Review click here.


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